Conservation and studying ways without Internet: An application will help you save and store information

Latest Version

Jul 6, 2022

App APKs

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Conservation and studying ways without Internet: An application will help you save and store information
The choice of the best ways to study is an absorbing and understanding of the principles of learning skills; as student learning and mastery of these skills; Kalastzkar, reading, recording notes, and summary makes it eligible to choose the best way and the most effective process of learning and studying, learn skills, methods and strategies of study is crucial to provide appropriate means to facilitate the study process, make it more effective, and strengthen consultation processes and conservation; where many of the guides and authors made a lot of books and methods to guide students in choosing the best way for the process of consultation; as a Academic failure for some students do not primarily due to the imbalance in the mental capacity or low level of intelligence, but is the result of lack of learning skills and proper normal and memorization, and their lack of application and walk in the study process through which, and highlights the importance of learning these skills through the following points:
Solve the problem of forgetfulness and the possibility of increasing the retention of information in the student's memory for a longer time period. Speed ​​and ease of calling the required information when needed. Reduce the level of anxiety and achievement exam as a result of the required analysis of the student self-confidence level. Composition of the positive trend towards classroom materials, teacher and educational institution. Raising the level of academic achievement and achieve excellence and success, which seeks a student, and therefore a sense of complacency, which leads a positive role on the educational process and the achievement of the individual.
Conservation and studying ways without Internet: An application will help you save and store information
Conservation and studying ways without Internet: An application will help you save and store information
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