Online games for Persian language and word finding a free chat over the total during the game

Latest Version

Sep 12, 2024

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بازی انلاین واژه ها GAME

Have you ever challenged you to select a word together.
In this game a word you put in the middle of a table for seven on seven and then between you and your opponent begins competitive with random letters to make words and letters in Farsi, the stick and the Horn of leaves until it runs out of random letters. And one you win.
 Amtbaz different letters and some houses in the points table multiplied by a factor of 2 and 3.
And you can play online with your opponents play one of the following methods:
Random pick one and start playing
Another method is that your friend's username or wife or brothers take and by entering the username in the User name with his game together or far apart your game.
Some of the people listed on the first page where they can also request games manager
There is the possibility of playing in all countries of the world online.
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