Спортивное Рыболовство APP
The magazine publishes a wide range of different headings: "School for a beginner," "Family Fishing", "Tackle and Tactics", "Tips Master", "of native", "For the fish around the world", "fishing methods" and others.
Regularly tab application is available to the magazine - "Academy of sport fishing", where leading Russian masters of the fishing sport share with beginners and anglers their strategy, tactics and technique of catching, bringing them success in the competition actively share their knowledge and experience, test newest gear.
At the same time edition aims to promote the family and sport fishing, anglers fill knowledge about the habits of fish, ryboohrane and ecology, to instill in his readers the desire for preservation and enhancement of fish stocks, respect for nature. No wonder the motto of the magazine - "Save the fishing for future generations!".
Magazine "Sport fishing":
in VK: vk.com/sfishru
in Facebook: www.facebook.com/sfishru
in Instagram: www.instagram.com/sfish.ru
channel on YouTube: www.youtube.com/Спортивноерыболовство
Contact us at: +7 (812) 943-98-00
Partner log - Petersburg club anglers (www.fisherclub.ru)