Nursery rhymes and poems for kids and for the little ones. Poems for children audio

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Aug 26, 2024
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Nursery rhymes for kids - The largest catalog of audio nursery rhymes and rhymes for your baby, even for the little ones. Works without the Internet. I will repeat the application again, as I did for my daughter and son

It looks like a children's phone with songs; the screen shows pictures from nursery rhymes. The child himself can include a nursery rhyme or rhyme; the child’s parents laugh, too.

In our collection we collect the most famous Russian nursery rhymes for kids and poems. They are filled with kindness and care! We also added tongue twisters and rhymes.

Nursery rhymes for kids: A clumsy bear walks through the forest, A gray goat lived with his grandmother, Aunt Hippopotamus, Is there soda in the garden, Like on our name days, One two three four five, the bunny went out for a walk, Legs top top, Geese geese eider and many others

Rhymes for children 3 and 4 years old (2 years old) - they are very small and easy to remember! Horse, Airplane, Elephant, Dropped a bear on the floor, Ball, Bunny, Boat, Baby goat, Adult. Plus Agnia Barto's poems are suitable for little ones, as well as for children under one year old!

Nursery rhymes are small songs that are sung together with the child. You can perform the nursery rhyme as a game using your fingers and legs. My grandparents often told me nursery rhymes when I was little, folklore is simply forgotten over time and is replaced by the Internet (it’s a shame! After all, nursery rhymes are fun and amusing, a great idea to spend time with your child.

If you liked our game of poems for kids, give 5 points, this is the best gratitude! Write in the reviews what nursery rhymes we should add for the little ones, or what poems are missing.
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