Application for conducting Memuarnika - compact list of life events.

Latest Version

Jul 28, 2022
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Мемуарник APP

Memuarnik (from the word "memoir") - a collection of important and highlights of your life in a compact form. It is expected that you will commit daily 1-2 main events of the day on which the recorded 1-2 main events of the week on which (they will be 4-8 per month) recorded 1-3 main events of the month on which (they is 12-36 per year) recorded the major events of the year 1-5.
According to the author Vitaly Korolyov, the system can be used to analyze the efficiency, the analysis of the importance of events and drawing pictures of the past. We often forget what happened yesterday, let alone a month ago. Now, thanks to Memuarniku You can record the main events of the day and do not ever forget them.
Each event is added to the Memuarnik can compare values ​​(one, several or none - filling on request). Value - this is something important at the moment for you, something that can be described the event one or two words. Someone in the first place puts the wealth: money, luxury, power. Some family relationships and children. And for the other priority given to spiritual values: human life - the highest value, duty, honor, patriotism, health, creative self-development. Life values ​​do not occur in one day, they accumulate from childhood, formed the society and follow a person throughout his life. Achieve success, only those who strongly identify their own values ​​and goals in life.
Memuarnik made for those who want to understand what is important in their lives, and that - no. This is an opportunity to carry out self-examination, to set themselves goals and succeed in life.
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