Calorie Calculator. Measuring calories for diet and metabolic rate

Latest Version

Jan 31, 2025
Google Play ID

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Calorie Calculator GR is an application that calculates the calories our body needs to maintain the pounds we have or the pounds we want to lose.
The Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR) shows us how many calories our body consumes in a day at rest, ie the calories our body needs to maintain its normal functions (Heart, Brain, etc.). Simply put, if a person is lying in bed for 24 hours without doing anything, it "burns" a number of calories. This number is the BMR.
* Calculation of AMR.
In addition to BMR (Basic Metabolic Rhythm) we also have AMR (Active Metabolic Rhythm) which varies based on the lifestyle we lead (eg: sedentary, athletic, etc.), ie calculates the energy our body needs while it is in some physical activity.

The application is an aid and is provided for educational or informational purposes and there may be some errors. The information contained and the results should not replace the advice or instructions of a health professional.

Features of the application

* Calories daily counter
* Measurement of calories by selecting the menu of the day from the catalog of the built-in calorie counter.
* Select activity for more accurate results.
* Calculation of calories that the daily menu must have, to maintain or lose weight.
* Daily menu in a list with the possibility of adding and subtracting calories, automatic calculation of daily calories for maintenance or weight loss.
* List of foods we eat often (favorites - new feature))
- With one click on the selected food we transfer it from the favorites to the daily menu
* Record history and comparison for easy weight difference monitoring (new feature)
* Ability to correct calories in the selected food.
* The corrected record is also saved (depending on our choice) in the favorites file so that you can use it whenever you want
* More foods have been added to the menu (easier to search now)
* Many diet tips

By clicking we select a registration
With Long Click we delete or correct a record
Small categorization of food and beverage photos

Plan your diet by finding the right foods with the necessary calories you need every day.

Complete list of foods!
A useful application that will help you in your diet
Try it!
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