You can check the emergency situation of your family! You can protect your family through mobile phone status changes and communicate with various information contents.

Latest Version

Jan 13, 2025
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휴대폰가족보호(Familycare)-가족 위치 확인 APP

It provides family protection features that allow you to check your real-time location, receive notifications, and respond in the event of an emergency even when you are not with your family. It also provides content such as goal step count support/praise functions, today's horoscope, and health/travel information, so you can actively communicate with family members!

[Real-time location confirmation]
You can check real-time location even if you cannot contact family members registered with mobile phone family protection!

[Notification when entering/leaving a safe area]
By setting the radius and start/end time of the safe place, you can send notifications when your family is in the safe place or not, so you can respond to any emergency situations.

[Detection of long-term non-use of mobile phone]
Provides a function to respond to emergency situations by sending a step-by-step request to check the family's safety when the cell phone is not used for a long period of time
- Step 1: Send a safety call to a family member whose cell phone has been detected not being used for a long period of time to check on their well-being
- Step 2: If there is no response to the safety call, send a safety message to check the safety.
- Step 3: Check family status with forced video call function when there is no response to the safety message.

[Mobile phone shock detection]
When an external shock occurs to the mobile phone, it is judged to be an emergency situation and notification and response functions are provided to family members.

[Emergency Notice]
In the event of an emergency, it provides the ability to notify and respond to family members by pressing and shaking the volume button on the phone without running the app.

[Health Care]
Manage your health by setting step-based goals, receive support from family members by sharing step counts, and communicate by comparing rankings.

[Communication Content]
Active communication between family members is possible with the goal step count support/praise function, today's horoscope, and travel/health information content.

※ This service is an affiliated service with a telecommunication company. When you sign up, a monthly fee of 3,300 won (VAT included) is added to the monthly mobile phone bill of the mobile carrier. (If you cancel on the same day you signed up, no fee will be charged.)
※ Supported mobile carriers: SKT, KT, LGU+
> Service homepage:
> Service Customer Center: 1855-3631 (Monday to Friday, closed on public holidays, 09:00~12:00/13:00~18:00)
> How to cancel service: Service website, in-app cancellation, or through customer center

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※ When you run the app for the first time, Mobile Phone Family Protection collects your phone number to check whether you have subscribed to the service.

※ Required access rights (common)
· Call, physical activity: Used to respond to emergency situations and use the call function
· Camera, microphone: Used to deliver voice messages and connect video calls in the event of an emergency.
· Location: Supports the [Safe Location] function by collecting location data even when the app is closed or not in use
· Drawing over other apps: Emergency-related notifications

※ Required access rights (AOS 13↑)
· Notification: To notify you of important notifications through push messages

※ Optional access rights (common)
· Accessibility: Mobile phone family protection detects the pressing of the volume button to use the emergency rescue notification function when the app is closed or not in use.
> Accessibility is a user-selected right and you can turn it off at any time in your phone settings.

※ Optional access rights (AOS 10↓)
· Photos and videos: Access photos and videos to set profile image

※ If selection rights are revoked, there may be restrictions on the use of functions.
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