피플앤잡 - 외국계 취업 이직 헤드헌팅 채용 공고 APP
- You can view and apply for job postings from foreign companies in the app.
- If you register your resume, you can receive job application offers from foreign companies or headhunters.
Naver Cafe, Post, Kakao 1boon, Facebook, etc. operated by People & Job are filled with rich job content such as employment know-how for new and experienced workers at foreign companies, interview reviews, English resumes, and career consulting!
Not only are you looking for jobs at foreign companies, but you can also work at overseas branches of domestic companies and overseas at global companies.
Apply at People & Jobs!
Naver Cafe http://cafe.naver.com/peoplenjob
Kakao 1 Minute http://1boon.kakao.com/peoplenjob
Naver Post http://post.naver.com/my.nhn?memberNo=25773060
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/peoplenjob
People & Job https://www.peoplenjob.com
Information on access rights used in People & Job
[Required access rights]
- User identification
: Authentication Security
[Optional access rights]
- Storage space (photos/media/files)
: Register profile
※ Optional access rights require permission when using the function, and even if you do not allow it, you can use basic services.