Real quote without bargaining, Commerce Sell My Car: 1588 - 0015

Latest Version

Mar 31, 2023

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■ Real quote without bargaining when selling my car, Commerce My Car Selling
■ The real price of my car that Commerce tells you by collecting real car prices!
■ See my car estimate right in the app in real time!
1. Apply to sell my car
All you need to do is register and sell at once!
If you apply to sell your car with one phone call (1588-0015), a vehicle appraiser will visit you.
Check the schedule and accept reservations.
2. Visit a Commerce Vehicle Evaluator, not a Dealer!
Visit the place you want, at the time you want, and check the condition of the vehicle carefully
Evaluate transparently.
3. Free Comparison Quote!
The more you compare, the higher the price of your car! Up to 400 trusted member companies
Receive a free quote to compare your car to participate.
4. The sale of my car is complete!
Dealer face-to-face, sell my car without on-site depreciation!
On-site delivery without additional depreciation, at the contract price, at the promised delivery time
When the driver visits, check the price first and provide the necessary documents for the sale.
Please hand me the car keys.
When the buyer who received the vehicle completes the transfer registration, the sale of my car is over!

■ Actual car prices are collected and verified by Commerce, the real price of my car!
1. Inquiry of market price by vehicle number or model name
You can check the price of your car by simply entering the license plate number.
Check the future price of my car, remaining price, year identification, price inquiry by mileage,
You can check the auction price of the last 3 months and the actual transaction status of the same car model.
2. Automobile transaction statistics service
Data-based data from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport by age, region, and nationwide transaction statistics, etc.
Check the professional car transaction status of the Commerce My Car Sales Data Lab
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