슈퍼멤버스 APP
Up to 100% Off for Super Members Membership!
Super Members is an influencer membership discount app that gives discounts based on your ratings from anywhere and affiliated merchants.
💯 Save up to 100% based on blog impact
Depending on your Supermember status, you can get up to 100% discount anywhere in our affiliated stores.
🎁 After reviewing, you can use all merchants immediately
Now you can experience the store and products without waiting for the selection results. Ready to visit, ready to buy.
📍 Various stores, products and all the benefits you want
You can enjoy beauty and food products along with shops in various areas including the metropolitan area and Jeju / Busan.
🔗 Submit your review to the app within a week of use!
After uploading a post to your blog, simply register the link in the app and you're done. If you like the merchant you used, you will be eligible for another 60 days *.
📈 As your impact goes up, you come up with it
Even after signing up, take advantage of further benefits by taking a re-evaluation of your ratings at the beginning of each month.
* Reuse deadlines may vary by merchant.
If you have any complaints or requests while using the app, please feel free to contact us by email or KakaoTalk channel below.
Email: company@supermembers.co.kr
KakaoTalk Channel: @Super Members
9F, Hanyang Building, 123, Yeoksam-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul