부동산써브 - 아파트, 오피스텔, 주택, 매매, 전월세 APP
Provide a variety of real estate listings
From apartments to officetels, villas, one-two rooms, shopping malls, offices, and sales rights
You can comprehensively search and check real estate for sale.
Customized listing information
Desired area, interest for sale and complex of interest, sale right, sale, short-term rental, price, area, etc.
You can collect and check only customized properties through detailed condition search.
Brokerage Fee Calculator
You can check the brokerage fee by entering the property type, transaction type, and amount.
Menu only for brokerage companies
If you are a member of a brokerage firm, you can quickly check the properties you have registered through the ‘Retailer Only’ menu.