보배드림 -국내1위 중고차&자동차쇼핑몰 APP
Multiple vehicle photo registration is also supported for convenient vehicle registration.
You can sort used cars near your location, check community posts, and register content.
The Baby Dream mobile app provides the following features.
1. Search used car and check information for sale through cyber stores, domestic car stores, and imported car stores
2. Sort used cars near your current location
3. Vehicle registration
4. Management and correction of registered products
5. You can see interesting and useful information through bulletin boards and archives and write posts
6. You can easily check the response of comments on my posts
7. Check my posts
* Information on required access rights
- doesn't exist
* Information on optional access rights
-Storage space: Used car photo registration, community photo attachment
- Camera: Attach community photo shoot, register used car photo shoot
-Location: Used to sort used cars close to the user, but location information is not stored on the server
* Even if you do not agree to the optional access right, you can use the service except for the function of that right.