바다날씨(일본 파고, 내일 날씨) APP
Provides all information about the sea.
We provide the best information to those who operate ships or enjoy fishing.
Information provided
- Short to medium-term precipitation forecast, wind map, satellite image, ocean forecast, typhoon
- Sea weather forecast (private forecasting organizations in Korea and Japan)
- Wave height, precipitation, rain clouds, daily average sea temperature, radar image, typhoon forecast, special weather report
- US wave height forecast (wave height, period, barometric pressure, wind speed)
- Surf wave forecast
- Water temperature information
- Precipitation radar
Permission information for using the app
1) Required access rights
doesn't exist.
2) Optional access rights
Notifies you of important weather-related information. (Available in Android 13 or higher)
You can check your current location to see if there is any precipitation.
Optional access rights require user permission when using the function, and are applicable even if permission is not granted.
You may use services other than functionality.
Source information:
Korea Meteorological Administration (Korea wave height forecast, sea forecast, satellite image, ocean forecast, special weather report, typhoon information, precipitation radar water temperature forecast) http://www.weather.go.kr
National Oceanographic Research Institute (tide table) http://www.khoa.go.kr
Japanese private forecasting company (Japan Wave Forecast) https://www.imocwx.com/
Surfing Fargo Information http://www.surf-forecast.com/
US surf information https://www.surfline.com/surf-charts/
The Sea Weather App does not represent any government agency of the Republic of Korea.