나무위키뷰어 - 만료 APP
Namu Wiki Viewer - Please receive the repack.
Optional access rights
- Storage (under Android 13), Photos & Videos, Music & Media (Android 13 and above) permissions
Image Viewer > Permission for downloading. In expired apps, the function is blocked and does not request permission, so there is no need to activate it manually.
- alarm
Notifications are displayed on devices running Android 13 or higher as the app targets older versions. This app does not use notification functions, so there is no need to activate it manually.
Activating/deactivating all of the above optional access rights has no effect on the currently available functions of the app.
We made Namu Wiki viewable with the simplest possible UI, and functions such as editing are opened in an external browser.
It supports the basic functions of random, word auto-completion, and day/night view, and additional features include the following.
* Change font size
* index
* Visit history
* Documents to view later
* Footnote popup
* Image Viewer/Downloader
* YouTube, Naver, Daum video flash > HTML5 conversion
Since the viewer is constructed by taking specific parts from the Namuwiki web page structure, any changes to the web page may cause it to not operate properly, so please report it.
The icon was created using the icon in draft number 32 of Namu Wiki/Unofficial Logo.
The creator of Namu Wiki/unofficial logo is kein, and it follows Namu Wiki's license like the original copyright.
https://namu.wiki/w/%EB%82%98%EB%AC%B4%EC%9C%84%ED%82%A4:%EB%B3%B4%EC%A1%B4%EB% AC%B8%EC%84%9C/%EB%B9%84%EA%B3%B5%EC%8B%9D%20%EB%A1%9C%EA%B3%A0#s-34.2