National Health Insurance Corporation Ilsan Hospital App

Latest Version

Jul 12, 2024
Google Play ID

App APKs

건강보험 일산병원 APP

This is a mobile application that allows you to conveniently use the Ilsan Hospital app.
After installation, you can receive various services as follows.
Customers who used the previous app must update or install the mobile app and sign up for a new member to use the app.

-My schedule
You can see the schedule of treatment at the hospital at once

-Treatment timetable
You can conveniently search the treatment timetable of medical staff by department.

-Medical appointment
You can easily make appointments with the mobile app.

-Find medical staff
You can search for medical staff by department.
Alternatively, you can search for medical staff by name and specialty.

-Prescription inquiry
You can check at a glance the medicines prescribed in the hospital
You can also see a detailed explanation of the medication guide

Services related to patient experience will continue to be added.
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