Precipitation radar is a precipitation app that uses real-time precipitation radar image information that can be used for precipitation forecasting.

Latest Version

Aug 14, 2023
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강수량 레이더, 초단기 강수예측 기상청 내일 날씨 예보 APP

Precipitation Radar app is a real-time weather forecast application that provides up-to-date information on domestic and international weather and the ability to track precipitation. This app visualizes current and expected precipitation based on your location, providing an effective way to check real-time weather information. Now, don't be surprised every time it rains, start smart weather management with the Rainfall Radar app!

main function:

Real-time Precipitation Tracking: This app provides a detailed view of current and forecast precipitation based on weather radar information from around the world. Thus, it minimizes the effects of precipitation and helps plan trips and outdoor activities.

Weather Forecast: Precipitation Radar app provides up-to-date weather forecast information based on your location. Prepare for climate change with hourly, daily and weekly forecasts.

User-friendly interface: The app provides an intuitive interface that users can easily understand and operate. This allows you to quickly grasp weather information and incorporate it into your decision-making.

The real-time precipitation radar app will be the best choice for weather forecasting by providing essential weather information for your daily life and providing convenient features. No more wasting time looking for weather information. Download this app and get the rainfall and weather forecast information you need at a glance. From planning outdoor activities to checking the weather on your way to work, the real-time rain radar app will make your life easier. Install the app right now and enjoy accurate weather information and precipitation data!

Precipitation radar can check the amount of precipitation using real-time precipitation radar image information that can be used for precipitation forecasting.
You can grasp the amount of precipitation, which is a weather forecast, and use it for agriculture.

Precipitation Radar is a precipitation radar image that allows you to easily check the weather forecast for your area (city, county and district).

Weather Forecast Radar Real-time precipitation radar image information is provided on the map.
You can check weather forecast information such as weekly weather and detailed forecast by city, county, and dong in each region.
The precipitation radar can also determine the amount of precipitation (color-coded) in the image.

provided information
- Precipitation radar image
- precipitation
- Local (city, county, district) weekly weather forecast and mid-term forecast
- Imjin River, Biseulsan Mountain, Sobaeksan Mountain, Mohusan Mountain, Seodaesan Synthetic Radar
- Provides radar information every 5-10 minutes
- Easy confirmation by hourly radar information movement.
- Possible to check self location.
-Precipitation can be predicted by checking the radar information on the amount of precipitation in an accurate area.

radar observation network
- Image data provided by the Korea Meteorological Administration is used by synthesizing images from a total of 10 operational weather radars and Incheon Airport Weather Radar operated by the Korea Meteorological Administration.

Radar observation principle (dual polarization radar)
- The radar transmitter emits radio waves into the air, and the movement speed, direction, and strength of the precipitation signal returned by rain, snow, hail, etc. are displayed as radar images.

Image data synthesis method
- The Korea Meteorological Administration uses the maximum value synthesis method, which expresses the largest albedo value among several weather radar data observed at a point. In the left figure below, the circle on the left is the observation range of the Jindo weather radar and the circle on the right is the observation range of the Gudoksan weather radar, and the data observed by each weather radar overlaps in Jeolla-do and Gyeongnam. If it is assumed that the value observed in Jindo is greater than the value in Gudeoksan, the value observed by the Jindo weather radar is displayed in the area where the data of the two weather radars overlap.

lightning observation
- Lightning is a sudden electrical discharge phenomenon that occurs mainly during thunderstorms. Discharges in the air are divided into ground discharges between clouds and ground, inter-cloud discharges between clouds, and cloud discharges within clouds. Lightning typically transports electric charges of millions of volts and can cause very great damage. Lightning information provided by the Korea Meteorological Administration is displayed on the map and provided.

○ Korea Meteorological Administration Lightning Monitoring Equipment Observation Network Status: Total 21 locations (Base date 2020.9.30.)
- Installed and operated in 21 locations nationwide: Ganseong, Baengnyeongdo, Chuncheon, Paju, Daegwallyeong, Ulleungdo, Incheon, Uljin, Chungju, Seohae Base, Boryeong, Chupungnyeong, Pohang, Geochang, Gochang, Busan, Yeosu, Heuksando, Wando, and Jeju , Seogwipo

satellite image
- Satellite images of the Chollian 2A Korean Peninsula and Asian regions are provided using data from the Korea Meteorological Administration.
- The Chollian Satellite 2A (GEO-KOMPSAT-2A: GK2A) observes the entire global area at 10-minute intervals and the surrounding area of ​​the Korean Peninsula at 2-minute intervals, so it is possible to monitor and prepare for meteorological disasters more quickly than the Chollian Satellite. Launched on December 5, 2018, the Chollian Satellite 2A is equipped with world-class weather sensors along with Japanese and American satellites. As a result, the number of bands has increased from 5 to 16 across the visible to infrared wavelength bands, the spatial resolution has improved four times from 4km to 2km in the infrared band, and from 1km to a maximum of 500m in the visible band, and the observation period is 15 times based on the Korean Peninsula. From 2 minutes to 2 minutes, the performance has improved significantly compared to the Cheonlian Satellite 1. From the high-resolution observation data of the Chollian Satellite 2A, the analysis of the center position of the typhoon has become more accurate, making it possible to effectively track the movement path of the typhoon and shorten the observation time to detect the development of localized heavy rain at an early stage. In particular, as the earth can be observed in natural colors, it is possible to provide images that can distinguish clouds, forest fire smoke, and yellow dust with the naked eye without any other analysis technology. (Source: Weather Nuri, Korea Meteorological Administration)

Ultra-short-term forecast information
-Ultra-short-term precipitation forecast data is forecast data based on KLFS model data.
- Display area N30~44, E118~134
- Precipitation forecast data for 6 hours at intervals of 10 minutes.

Information source: Weather Radar Center, Korea Meteorological Administration
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