旬の食材事典 APP
When I thought I would want to eat the fish of the season in a tavern or diner and I think when you want to examine the seasonal fruits and vegetables in shopping. You will be able to confirm or verify the seasonal ingredients of the aim, now, what's in season if you launch this application.
There are many delicious things than usually seasonal ingredients.
I do not want to send a meaningful diet with this application?
✓ I have recorded more than 500 ingredients.
✓ You can look up a season of each month, to find the specific ingredients of the season.
✓ There is a link to Wikipedia and Cook pad by each food, you can instantly find out more information and cooking methods.
✓ You will be able to classify vegetables, seafood, fruits, on a monthly basis.
✓ You can refine your search.
✓ The name of the ingredients are expressed in three types of hiragana katakana kanji.
✓ rough season so you can see even if you look at the sink, are color-coded by each month season (spring, summer, winter white, blue and yellow fall color is cherry).
✓ You can do (incremental search) Narrow search by character by tapping the Search window. It is possible to narrow down the ingredients just one character, but there is no hassle with input.
Your list of goods ✓ Tap a button to open the month view on the right side of the Search window. To your list of goods, the month of January to December seafood, fruits and vegetables, all ingredients are displayed, tap one, the list that is automatically created in the condition. If you do not want to select any, the list of goods and closes us again if you tap the button on the month view.
✓ you can quit the application to the back button.
✓ I have tried to correct information and try as much as possible data of the ingredients that are included in the "Encyclopedia of seasonal ingredients." But there may be errors food culture and regions. Such ingredients so we take a longer period of the season, please acknowledge beforehand.
✓ "Encyclopedia seasonal ingredients" are based on the season of the ingredients that are mainly made in Japan.
✓ Due to a bug in the Android OS, you may not be able to enter Japanese search window at the tap. If such symptoms came out, please tap the search window again.
✓ Due to a bug in the Android OS, some slower models there is a possibility that the search window is split into two. There is no obstacle to the operation, please understand that there is no solution at present.
Please note that although we think it is difficult because of the above bug resolved itself a matter of Android, and want to correct immediately found a solution.
✓ In the current setting, but we adapted to be installed on the SD card automatically, there is a problem that can not be installed on the SD card in some models. Will be revised as soon as you know now, so we have to determine the cause.
Future Plans:
✓ Currently, the image does not contain only some of the ingredients. In a future upgrade we are going to do to add the ingredients picture.
✓ If you have any ingredients that are missing or incorrect information that is in this application, you hope you'll write "season" and the name "ingredients" in the comments or email. I have wanted to reflect as soon as possible.