中央氣象署Q-劇烈天氣監測系統QPESUMS APP
Product content includes: radar echo observation - echo observation data combined by the entire Taiwan radar network; 1-hour and 24-hour cumulative rainfall distribution - analysis of measured rainfall in the past 1 hour and 24 hours at all rainfall observation stations in Taiwan; real-time monitoring of stream cells - The location of existing convective cells detected through radar observation stations; Rain area forecast for the next hour - Rain area forecast obtained by extrapolating the current rainfall status estimated from radar data using the extrapolation method; Rainfall observation - Each rainfall station is in Rainfall values measured in the past 10 minutes, 1 hour, 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours, and 24 hours.
If you want to set a personalized warning message notification, please click the "Warning" option at the top of the screen to customize the center position of the warning area, area radius, warning period, radar echo, 1 and 24-hour rainfall thresholds. When the actual When the radar echo or rainfall reaches the above customized standards, real-time notification messages and warning sounds will be generated.