Web novels and light novels all in one place!

Latest Version

Sep 25, 2022
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ノベルピア - WEB小説が読み放題 APP

A world where dreams come true through novels Novelpia!
Enjoy Novelpia easily anytime, anywhere

1. Find your favorite novels with Novelpia's unique ranking
- You can enjoy popular works aggregated by 24 hours, 7 days, and 30 days
- You can check the ranking by favorite genre or tag at a glance

2. Enjoy Novelpia easily anytime, anywhere
- Web novels of various genres are updated daily
- Exclusive novels that can only be read on Novelpia and popular translations in Korea!
- With easy settings, you can customize the viewer screen to your liking

3. Work introduction and review at the same time! Let's talk about your favorite works with everyone!
- Feel free to introduce the appealing points of your work
- I want everyone to know! You can post your passion as a work review

4. Let's support the contributors with Novelpia's original stamps!
- You can post comments using Novelpia's original stamps
- Set your profile picture as a cute icon and have fun

5. Returns to contributors with PV linkage! 1 PV = Incentive up to 2 yen
- Novelpia's unique payment system to support contributors
- Up to 2 yen per 1 PV will be returned to the poster as an incentive
- You can withdraw the settlement money by registering for PLUS works
- Submit your original story now and become a writer!
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