आवास योजना में अपना नाम देखे APP
With the help of this app, you can see the new list of Housing Scheme 2022-23. From here, apart from seeing your name in the new list of the housing scheme, you can also see that which person in your village has received how much amount for which house.
Our Application covers all of the following states
1. Puducherry pmay gramin list 2023
2. Mizoram pmay list 2023
3. Bihar pradhan mantri awas yojana list 2023
4. Assam pradhan mantri awas yojana list 2023
5. Sikkim pmay list 2023
6. Uttar Pradesh pradhan mantri awas yojana list 2023
7. Haryana pradhan mantri awas yojana list 2023
8. Arunachal Pradesh pradhan mantri awas yojana list 2023
9. Madhya Pradesh pradhan mantri awas yojana list 2023
10. West Bengal pmay list 2023
11. Andhra Pradesh pradhan mantri awas yojana list 2023
12. Goa pradhan mantri awas yojana list 2023
13. Gujarat pradhan mantri awas yojana list 2023
14. Karnataka pradhan mantri awas yojana list 2023
15. Himachal Pradesh pradhan mantri awas yojana list 2023
16. Chhattisgarh pmay gramin list 2023
17. Jammu & Kashmir pradhan mantri awas yojana list 2023
18. Tamil Nadu pmay list 2023
19. Kerala pradhan mantri awas yojana list 2023
20. Meghalaya pmay list 2023
21. Lakshadweep pmay gramin list 2023
22. Maharashtra pradhan mantri awas yojana list 2023
23. Manipur pmay list 2023
24. Telangana pmay gramin list 2023
25. Delhi Andaman & Nicobar pmay gramin list
Disclaimer :
We are not the official partner of the Government we are not linked in any way with the government. We just provide information to the user which is available in the public domain. All the information we have provided by using website links which is available in the public domain and can be used by user. We do not own any website available in the application. Application is developed as a public service to help Indian residents to find and manage their digital service in their area. People can use this app for personal information purposes only. The application is not affiliated with any government services or person. This App does not collect any personal data, including the aggregate and summary statistics on browsers and usage patterns. Also Does not have any effect on government entities.
official sites :-
आवास योजना लिस्ट-ग्रामीण, ग्रामीण आवास लाभार्थी सुची - https://rhreporting.nic.in
आवास योजना लिस्ट-शहरी, आधार कार्ड से देखे-शहरी - https://pmaymis.gov.in
भुलेख खसरा खतौनी - http://www.upbhulekh.gov.in
राशन कार्ड - https://fcs.up.gov.in
शौचालय योजना लिस्ट - http://sbm.gov.in
उज्ज्वला योजना लिस्ट - http://www.pmujjwalayojana.in
BPL लिस्ट (सभी राज्य) - https://www.nrega.nic.in
ग्राम पंचायत रिपोर्ट - https://nregade.nic.in
नरेगा जॉब कार्ड- https://nrega.nic.in
पेंशन सूची 2020 देखे, पेंशन सूची 2020 देखे- http://nsap.nic.in/
Thank you...