مكتبة إسلام ويب APP
Project goals
1- Displaying Islamic heritage books and presenting them to the public on smart devices.
2- Displaying the electronic publications of the Qatari Ministry of Awqaf in the list of books on smart devices.
3- Publishing correct scientific books in the easiest way available to them.
4- Providing research services in an advanced technical form, and bringing them closer to the public.
5- Providing scientific services that benefit students and researchers.
6- Providing specialized services that benefit specialized researchers.
Application advantages
1- Displaying heritage books in a modern way with book indexes
2- Presenting a scientific objective tree that combines the arts of Islamic and Arabic sciences
3- Linking verses with different interpretations
4- Compare the interpretation
5- Linking flags to translations
6- Graduation of the teaching hadiths
7- Explanation of hadiths
8- The possibilities of comprehensive research and objective research
9- The ability to download books or review them online
10- Control the program's properties
11- More than 700 thousand pages, 30 thousand topical titles, 2 million topical links, and nearly 400 thousand hadith graduations
12- Text accuracy and presentation reliability