The program aims to display books published on the Islam Web site

Latest Version

Aug 1, 2022
Google Play ID

App APKs

مكتبة إسلام ويب APP

The Islamweb Library program is an application that aims to display the books published in the hub (Islamweb Library) on the Islamweb website.

Project goals
1- Displaying Islamic heritage books and presenting them to the public on smart devices.
2- Displaying the electronic publications of the Qatari Ministry of Awqaf in the list of books on smart devices.
3- Publishing correct scientific books in the easiest way available to them.
4- Providing research services in an advanced technical form, and bringing them closer to the public.
5- Providing scientific services that benefit students and researchers.
6- Providing specialized services that benefit specialized researchers.

Application advantages

1- Displaying heritage books in a modern way with book indexes
2- Presenting a scientific objective tree that combines the arts of Islamic and Arabic sciences
3- Linking verses with different interpretations
4- Compare the interpretation
5- Linking flags to translations
6- Graduation of the teaching hadiths
7- Explanation of hadiths
8- The possibilities of comprehensive research and objective research
9- The ability to download books or review them online
10- Control the program's properties
11- More than 700 thousand pages, 30 thousand topical titles, 2 million topical links, and nearly 400 thousand hadith graduations
12- Text accuracy and presentation reliability
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