مفاتيح الجنان APP
In view of the great need of the believers for what is contained in this blessed book, we took it upon ourselves to develop the application in a way that is compatible with modern technologies, and it came out, praise be to God Almighty, with this beautiful suit and distinguished capabilities. We mention some of them:
* A new and easy indexing of the book’s topics facilitates access to its contents, while maintaining the indexing of the author, may God bless him and grant him peace.
* Audio display of many supplications in the voices of famous reciters
* Quick search in all texts of the book.
* The appearance of the works for every day, every month, and special days, with one click and in sync with the legal confirmation of the lunar months.
* Displaying the supplications with complete movements and in a beautiful font that matches them, with the ability to enlarge and reduce the font, and change the background color.