An easy application to enter the monthly natural gas meter reading for Petrotrade Egypt customers

Latest Version

Aug 7, 2021
Google Play ID

App APKs

ادخال قراءة عداد الغاز الطبيعي APP

Important: English numbers must be used in the entry and not Arabic numbers in order to be entered and dealt correctly
In this version: More new Android devices are supported
This application is an easy and fast way to enter the monthly natural gas meter reading for Petrotrade Egypt customers through their official portal on the internet
We do not have any control over the official portal for reading for Petrotrade customers only, and we have nothing to do with it. We have just published this application to make it easier for users to access the official portal to enter their gas meter readings monthly in the period between the 1st to the 15th of each month, as shown in the official portal of readings
We have also added an icon that displays through the official Petrotrade website the customer service number and the gas emergency number to be at easy and quick access for everyone.
We are honored to serve you with our applications, and of course we are pleased with your evaluation, which encourages us to provide more always
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