Ясно — психологи онлайн APP
We help you understand your desires and feelings and decide to change for the better. Understand yourself and gain confidence. Find a way out of difficult situations and feel inner strength and freedom of choice.
4,300+ psychologists
Only 9% of candidates pass our rigorous selection process. The specialists have a clear higher specialized education and an average of 7 years of practice. Not only knowledge is important to us, but also the ability to hear, support and help in finding solutions. Therefore, we conduct personal interviews with each candidate, followed by regular supervision.
330,000+ clients
So many people have trusted Clear with their mental health. The service’s psychologists conducted more than 3,700,000 online sessions with them.
From 3,150 ₽
We have set the lowest possible cost for an individual consultation. For this price, a psychologist with at least 3 years of experience will work with you.