Скануй Купуй APP
A quick visit for shopping at ATB using the Scanui-Kuy mobile application will help provide a separate consultant in the store.
WHAT YOU WILL NEED: smartphone, mobile application, Internet access, bank card (enter the number for the first time and CVV to confirm payments), documents in case of buying alcohol or tobacco products.
download the app
open the app in the store (allow access to Geo-location and Bluetooth)
scan barcode goods (from the product or from the price tag)
control the price of your shopping cart
register a bank card
pay by card
Confirm the purchase from a consultant by scanning the purchase QR code
- fast: buy only coffee, a snack, a small purchase home in the evening in 10 minutes.
- convenient: all you need to buy is your smartphone.
- profitable: special promotions for goods and activities from our partners
- and much more.
Support: we are always happy to help you scan_support@atbmarket.com