Русская Дымка — сеть магазинов APP
Our products help people to prepare natural food and drinks with pleasure and benefit.
Daily promotions, discounts and promotional codes will help you save money, and the app will save you time!
Why the application of the Russian Dymka online store is useful:
- thousands of products for the preparation of natural drinks, beer, canned food, smoked meats, cheese;
- online chat for prompt support of our customers;
- verified reviews will help you make the best choice;
- retail stores Russkaya Dymka of your city on the map with phone numbers and addresses;
- refund 3% of each purchase for the next order;
- convenient online calculators for moonshiner and brewer are now at hand;
- regular promotions and sales;
- add the product you like to your favorites so as not to lose.
Shop online! Why spend a weekend queuing when you can buy houses or dachas?
You can pick up your order at any Russian Dymka brand store in your city. And if there is no store in your city, then we will deliver the goods by courier or to the nearest post office. Have you changed your mind? You have 14 days to return the goods.