на_полке - продукты оптом APP
In the catalog you will find more than 100,000 products: food, drinks, household goods, household chemicals, pet supplies, consumables for HoReCa and much more.
The service “on_shelf” is a convenient aggregator of offer goods. We have collected price lists of different suppliers in one interface: find a product, compare prices, select a supplier and place an order. Every day new promotions and discounts. To save on purchases, look for a promo code for a discount in the "Promotions" section.
We have collected more than 400 suppliers in a single catalog: wholesale and small wholesale trading companies, distributors of famous brands and manufacturers. On the site you can place an order at wholesale prices, delivery is possible the next day.
Manage purchases from your smartphone 24/7! For convenience, use a barcode scanner and find the product instantly.