Have fun the whole group of friends, showing each other all over the word.

Latest Version

Mar 18, 2021
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Крокодил GAME

What is this game "Crocodile"?
This game is only for 4 or more people (for the company). Players are divided into two teams and start to play. The essence of the game is that one team came up with a word, a certain player said it - "victim" from the other team. He, in turn, for a limited time, you must show the word of the other players of his team, not to mention it, but using only the body, facial expressions, etc.
It turns a lot of fun. Victims are replaced by one for each team.

What features of the game "Crocodile"?
- Will have a great time at a table with friends. All will be satisfied, because this game is perfect for the meal.
- Vocabulary of over 8000 words to zagadyvaniya "victim."
- Simple interface and control, which even a child will understand.
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