Graphic dictation will appeal to both preschoolers and primary school students

Latest Version

Sep 7, 2022
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Графический диктант GAME

Have you heard about dictations, as a result of which a picture appears on a piece of paper? The kid in the game trains counting skills. A real graphic dictation by cells will appeal not only to preschoolers, but also to primary school students.

Graphic dictation is not quite an ordinary dictation. This is more of a game for a child than learning. But interesting tasks develop in children attentiveness and the ability to distinguish between directions: right-left, down-up. In addition, the baby must be able to count. Don't think it's difficult. The whole dictation is to draw short lines. The kid learns to draw a line evenly, write from dictation and count a little.

After the end of the dictation, a figure appears. It can be a bird, a house, a Christmas tree, a dog or other animal. The figurine will "appear" only if the dictation was performed correctly, if the child did not make a mistake anywhere.
Children love this kind of exercise. They are happy to draw in the cells and ask to repeat the lesson again and again.

The game is under development. You can influence further development with your feedback and comments.
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