Аудио басни Крылова на русском APP
The content of the android collection:
- Peasant and worker
- Fox and grapes
- Dog
- Dragonfly and Ant
- Stone and worm
- Two barrels
- Monkey and glasses
- Swan, pike and crayfish
- Elephant and pug
- Mirror and Monkey
- Dog and horse
- Melnik
- Pig
- Lamb
- Donkey and Man
- Wolf and cat
- A Crow and a fox
- Quartet
- An old man and three young (instructive story)
- Wolf and Fox (poem for children)
- The lion and the fox (fable)
- Hardworking Bear (nursery rhymes)
A fable is a poetic or prose literary work of a moralizing, satirical nature. At the end of the fable there is a brief moralizing conclusion - the so-called morality. The actors are usually animals, plants, things. In the fable, the vices of people are ridiculed. The fable is one of the oldest literary genres. In ancient Greece, Aesop was famous for writing fables in prose. In Rome, Phaedrus. In India, the Panchatantra collection of fables dates back to the 3rd century. The most prominent fabulist of modern times was the French poet Jean La Fontaine.
Ivan Andreevich Krylov is a Russian poet, fabulist, translator, member of the Imperial Public Library, Councilor of State, Full Member of the Imperial Russian Academy, Ordinary Academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in the Department of the Russian Language and Literature.
I.A. Krylov is best known as the author of fables (more than 200 in total, published in nine collections between 1809 and 1843, repeatedly reprinted). The plots of a number of Krylov's fables go back to the fables of Lafontaine (who, in turn, borrowed them from Aesop, Phaedrus and Babrius), although there are also many original plots. Many expressions from Krylov's fables have become winged.
Animal fables are fables in which animals (wolf, owl, fox) act like a person.
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