SU-PAY-スーペイ(トライアルのスマホアプリ) APP
Smartphone payment app that can be used at TRIAL nationwide
Introducing "SU-PAY"!
For example, do you have any of these problems?
"It's troublesome because you have to go to the ATM to charge money..."
"I thought I was going to pay with a Prika, but I forgot it at home..."
"I wish I could check my points at home..."
SU-PAY will solve that!
SU-PAY is an app that allows you to make simple and profitable payments with a single smartphone.
◯ Registration completed in as little as 1 minute
Available now!
◯ Selectable charging method
・ Bank account charge with the app
・Cash charge at store cash register or charge machine
◯ Easy payment by presenting the barcode
Present your SU-PAY barcode as your membership card at the store!
After presenting it, it will be operated at the cash register.
Please try a new shopping experience!
■ List of financial institutions that can be used
Banks that can be registered are being added one after another!