Ruti Pasto Oficial APP
Calculate the Origin - Destination route to get anywhere in the system with the fewest number of interchanges and the fewest number of transfer stops. You can choose the day and time on which you want to do the tour so you can plan your trip from before. For each bus, all schedules are shown and active schedules are highlighted.
List of functionalities:
* Search for the best route given a station of origin and a destination. The search can be done by station name or google maps.
* Cost of the passage for the system.
* Search station by word and by proximity based on GPS information.
* Bus search.
* Visualization of bus route with route map included.
* Integration with holidays calendar. It shows which buses are in operation at the time of the consultation according to the day.
* List and search and details of the routes.
* Mobility news
We have adapted our interfaces, animations and options to follow material design parameters.