RenoBody~歩くだけでポイントが貯まる歩数計アプリ~ APP
RenoBody is a free pedometer app that can be used to manage your health and diet by accumulating points based on the number of steps you take and making walking a habit.
■□ Earn WAON POINTs by counting your daily steps! ■□
◆The key is walking habits! Earn 1 WAON POINT by walking 8,000 steps a day.
*Accumulated points can be used for shopping at WAON POINT member stores.
*A "smart WAON Web ID" is required for collaboration.
[Features of the app]
◆No troublesome records! Step count data is automatically synced
The app starts in the background and automatically measures your steps. Even if you turn off the power or close the app, it will automatically start measuring when you restart it.
◆Link with apps and devices for even more convenience!
It can also be linked with the No. 1 overseas market share wireless activity meter “Fitbit” and the healthcare app “Google Fit”! You can use RenoBody with data obtained from other services.
◆Check your activities on an easy-to-read screen
The top screen and graph display your steps and calories burned in an easy-to-understand manner.
◆You can instantly see how far you need to go to reach your goal!
Displays the distance required to reach the day's goal on a map. Estimated distance is displayed on the map as a radius from your current location.
◆Even more convenient for women! With biorhythm, you can quickly find out when it is easy to lose weight!
[How to use]
① First, enter your target weight and time period and set your goal!
If you enter your diet goal, such as how many kilograms you want to lose by when, it will calculate the amount of activity you need each day.
②Start walking
RenoBody measures your activity just by walking. Calories burned, active time, and distance walked will be updated as the steps are counted.
③ Enter your weight and check your progress toward your goal on a graph!
By recording your weight in addition to walking, you can check not only your weight but also changes in your BMI. Let's check your diet progress.
④Support your activities with feedback! Aim for the goal for sure!
If you want to look back on each day in detail, use the daily screen. We support you with graphs, map displays, and advice on how much more activity you should do based on the calories burned that day.
If you want to look back on your week's activities, use the report function. We will ``simulate'' your weight transition from current data to your goal, and support you in achieving your goal with advice! *Reports are updated every Monday.
[What if the number of steps is not measured? ]
If your "smartphone pedometer" does not measure your steps, please try one of the following.
① Power off/on or restart your smartphone.
② Cancel power saving mode. Stop power saving apps and task killer apps from starting.
③ After installing and initializing "Google Fit", change to "Google Fit" in "MENU > Device Settings".
*Measurement methods differ for each app, so it may not match with other apps/services.
*Depending on the specifications of the smartphone's acceleration sensor, some models may not be able to measure accurately. Thank you for your understanding.
[Application supervision]
``RenoBody'' is supervised by Senior Associate Professor Toshio Yanagitani of the Graduate School of Sport and Health Sciences, Juntendo University.