RDSuite Führerscheinkontrolle APP
You can now easily manage the regular driver's license checks with the RDSuite:
In the future, every employee will automatically receive an e-mail or SMS * when their driver's license is due to be checked. He will carry out the control himself at the next opportunity by simply holding the RFID chip on his driver's license to the registration device at the guard and doing his driver's license control with it.
Simply fulfill the owner obligation
The law clearly stipulates that, according to current case law, every company that provides company vehicles as an owner must check at regular intervals whether the drivers have a valid driver's license. This takes a lot of effort - the RDSuite's driver's license check turns it into a snap of the finger.
Avoid heavy penalties
According to § 21 Par. 1 No. 2 StVG threatens imprisonment of up to one year or a fine who, as the owner of a vehicle, orders or allows someone to drive the vehicle who does not have the required driving license or who is temporarily prohibited from driving the vehicle due to a driving ban.
Automatic reminders of employees about upcoming controls
Employees who are due for a check receive a notification either by SMS or e-mail. The time interval for the test can be set individually.
Overview of the upcoming controls
In the overview, you can see which employees are about to be checked.
Overdue controls
You can see at a glance which employees have not yet completed their regular checks and can address them specifically.
Complete documentation
All processes (requests for control, control date and control time) are stored in a manipulation-free database and meet the legal requirements for complete documentation of the controls carried out.