Where's my water? Asks the gold fish! Connect the pipes to get water to the fish

Latest Version

Nov 14, 2017
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Plumber Game GAME

Where's my water? Asks the gold fish! Sam the plumber has received a fish, but the tap is not working. In Plumber Game you must connect the pipes in order to get water to the fish. There's a blank tile that you can move. You can move pipes to this position. I Need Water, the fish screams as the 40 levels increase in difficulty. The fish needs a smarter plumber with each level! Connect all the water pipes in order to finish each level on time.

Fish Needs Plumber - Features:
- 40 challenging plumber puzzle levels
- The fish is out of water, help the fish get water
- Awesome plumbers
- Connect the water pipes to make the water flow

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