Notie : 당신의 관심사를 모아 알려주는 똑똑한 정 APP
I'm not sure if this is the case.
RSS, News, Community, Webtoon, Marketplace
Get updates on your interest information in one place.
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Enter keywords you are interested in,
Set up notifications by channel to quickly see what's urgent,
Are not you getting what you want? We will also create channels that do not have the information you want.
- All major news in Korea
- Subscription / Notification of keywords, used market (used country, bike cell, Dosh, Clay etc)
- RSS keyword subscription / reminder
- Subscribe to news / notifications from various sites
- Community Cafe New News Subscription / Notification
- In addition, the content will continue to grow according to user requests.
Noti helps you with the following features:
* Reduce repeated site visits to check for new ones. We save time.
* Used marketplace I want to inform you when a certain desired keyword comes up.
* We will collect news including keywords of interest in one place.
* Provide notifications, keyword notifications as well as subscriptions to RSS.
Swipe your channel to support individual notification settings so that you receive only urgent notifications.
The rest will be collected in one place.