New World APP
App features:
- Register for online shopping and Clubcard.
- Shop our latest specials and Everyday Low Price ranges.
- Always have your Clubcard barcode handy to scan at the checkout to save, earn and win, plus get Club Deal savings and earn rewards on your online shop.
- Experience fast, easy online shopping. Allow substitutions and add notes for your personal shopper.
- Simply scan the barcodes on products to quickly add them to your shopping list or online trolley.
- Clubcard members can view and shop from their past online and instore orders (non-Clubcard members will see and shop online orders only).
- Create, save, shop from and share multiple shopping lists.
- Get directions to over 140 New World stores across the country.
- Keep your personal details, delivery addresses, cards, Clubcard PIN and communication preferences up-to-date, plus keep track of your New World Dollar balance.
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