Consult CPF, Score and Benefits. Calculate salary and labor rights.

Latest Version

Feb 5, 2025

App APKs

Meu CPF - Situação CPF e Score APP

🔍 CPF and Credit Score Consultation:

Quickly consult your CPF to check your registration status (regular, pending, suspended, etc.).



This application is a private tool and does not represent any government entity. Information is obtained through public databases, including the Transparency Portal:, the Open Data Portal: /about and Respecting Law No. 12,527, of 11/18/2011 (Access to Information Law):

Simulations: The labor calculations carried out in the app are simulations based on CLT rules and have no legal value.

Data Source: We use public APIs to provide accurate and up-to-date information about CPF, Credit Score and social benefits.

Easy, Fast and Intuitive:

MeuCPF - Consultas e Guia was designed to be a practical and complete solution for all your consultation and calculation needs. We are always improving our services and we count on your evaluation ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ to continue improving.

Privacy Policy: Read our terms of use and privacy policy at

MeuCPF - Consultations and Guide is the definitive tool for those who need to carry out quick consultations and detailed calculations about CPF, Credit Score, social benefits and labor rights. Designed to be easy to use, it offers a variety of features to meet your everyday needs:

Main Features:

Access information about your Credit Score and find out what your financial reputation is like.

💼 Complete Labor Calculator:

Calculate your net salary, considering all INSS, FGTS and tax deductions.
Simulate labor termination values, 13th salary, paid vacation and unemployment insurance.

Perform overtime calculations in a practical and quick way.
Understand all the details of your payroll and stay on top of your rights under the CLT.

📅 Consultations and Information on Social Benefits:

Consult the NIS with the CPF and access information about Bolsa Família and Auxílio Gás.

Follow the social benefit payment calendars so you don't miss any dates.

Access service guides and CRAS addresses, as well as content that explains your rights and social benefits in a simple way.
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