Madingo Afework - ማዲንጎ አፈወርቅ APP
Madingo Afework was widely known for his two albums Ayderegim (2005) and Swedlat (2015).
Madingo Afework was born in Azezo town in Gondar, Ethiopia on 16 August 1978 from his mother Hagernesh Wassie and Madingo Afework Mengistu. His family then moved to Debre Tabor to enroll his primary education. During his childhood, he was influenced by several famous singers at the time, notably Elias Tebabel, Muluken Melesse, Meles Edeshe and Ephrem Tamiru, and many fans admired that Madingo had a capability to imitate these artists' songs.
At the age of 10, Madingo Afework moved to nearby garrison where soldiers nicknamed him "Madingo". At the garrison, he was enticed to join the military band, Zema Lastas. In 2005, he released his first album Ayderegim. After this album, Madingo released hits "Sesame Atahulat" and "Aman Newey Goraw", becoming his most successful hits. Madingo collaborated with renowned singers in his era. In 2015, he released comeback album Swedlat (2015), which became acclaimed album in the year.
Death On 27 September 2022 (Rest in peace)