✶ GameDrop is a Gamer FIRST community!

최신 버전

2017. 11. 7.
설치 수

App APKs

GameDrop: Premier Game Hub APP

✪ GameDrop is a Gamer FIRST community!

✶Everything that you see is done in your best interest!
The purpose of GameDrop is to provide users with a nonstop hub for all mobile gaming.

✓ Are you sick of any of the following:
☑ Flimsy or nonexistent release dates?
☑ Having to play catch up?
☑ Browsing the PlayStore for a decent game?
☑ Going to non-mobile friendly sites for news?
☑ Missing out on your chance to Beta Test?
☑ Trying to find mobile gamers to chat with, free of persecution?

✶ If you found yourself answering "YES" to any of the above questions, then GameDrop is for you!

✓ Reserve
✪ When you reserve an upcoming title on GameDrop we will notify as soon as it is available, so you don't have worry about keeping up with release dates and falling behind! Furthermore, we will also notify you of pre-registration events and beta testing sign ups, so you never miss out on any perks!
✓ Discover
✪ The playstore is filled with Candy Crush and Flappy Bird clones, so trying to find a real game can be the proverbial "needle in the haystack". Let us find those needles for you! GameDrop will act as a substitution for the PlayStore with a clear emphasis on "True Gamers", as we'll list the best games released within the past 3 months!
✓ Inform
✪ Trying to get mobile gaming news off of a website just doesn't make much sense. If the games are for your phone, then shouldn't your news source be 100% mobile friendly? Furthermore, trying to find a community of hardcore mobile gamers is very difficult when the majority of online communities are filled with console gamers. GameDrop is a free range community, say what you want, do what you want...the only rule is play nice!

✶There is lots to do with GameDrop! If you are a mobile gamer, then this is the place to find community.
I welcome you to the future of mobile gaming!

New updates?
★ Video Tab is available with all the new game tutorial and popular short clips.
★ Like feature is added on the Video Tab.

Are you a fan of GameDrop? check for the latest update through!

Like us >> https://www.facebook.com/gamedropme/
Follow us >> https://twitter.com/GameDropMe
Follow us >> https://www.instagram.com/game.drop/
Subscribe >> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnPuDrzFR-DB4Ln-fLPD_oA

GameDrop is only available for the US at the moment, however If you are Korean user use our
Korean App - https://goo.gl/9Pumnr
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