Jiスマートガイド APP
For inquiries and inquiries from overseas, please use the "Ji Smart Guide". If you have a contract with our products, please be sure to download the "Ji Smart Guide" equipped with Ji Japan Direct before leaving for your trip.
[You can make calls even overseas if you have Wi-Fi! Ji Japan Direct]
With one tap from the app, you can connect to the Ji Accident Reception Center 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Please contact us if you have any problems at your accommodation.
[Precautions when using the smartphone app]
・"Ji Japan Direct" is a voice call function that uses a data line.
No international call charges, but data line usage charges apply.
・Be sure to connect to free or flat-rate Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi usage charges are the responsibility of the customer.
・If the Wi-Fi to be connected is metered, please be careful of communication charges. In any case, we do not bear the communication fee.