IKK Südwest APP
Communicate with your personal customer advisor
Send us your sick reports and documents in encrypted form
Change or add to your personal data
Download your digital insurance card for contactless doctor visits
And do a lot more
Login and security:
To access the app, simply use the same login data as for our online branch "Meine IKK Südwest".
You are not registered yet? The IKK Südwest App is subject to the highest data protection standards. Therefore, please use the self-identification app Nect for your first registration. You can register directly, conveniently and securely with your ID card or passport.
Alternatively, we can send you a password by post, which you can change after your first login.
Our service:
Do you have any questions, suggestions or tips (e.g. on further development) about the IKK Südwest App? Then please write to us at servicemanagement@ikk-sw.de.