दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा पठन ऐप। नि: शुल्क, तेज़, मज़ा। एक यादृच्छिक ज्ञान इंजन।

नवीनतम संस्करण

5 फ़र॰ 2020
Google Play ID
इंस्टॉल की संख्या

App APKs

Dipity — Read something new APP

How it works:

Dipity loads a library of 1,000 articles on to your device and serves a new article at random for reading on or off line, every time you swipe the screen. The library is refreshed frequently.

Articles are served as plain text, so they load quickly and consume very little device memory.

Read and save:

Dipity syncs with our fully-featured free reading service, Gentle Reader. If you see something on Dipity that you want to save and read later, you can save it to Gentle Reader with one touch.

The first time you save an article on Dipity, you will be prompted to create a Gentle Reader account by providing an email address and creating a password. You can use Dipity without a Gentle Reader account.


Knowledge is power. Knowledge is pleasure.

Dipity is free, fast and fun. No adverts, no distractions. Great writing and great reading.

Dipity is wisdom — with a twist.
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