Easy xkcd APP
Comic Browser:
- Offline Mode
- Favorites
- Notifications
- Explain xkcd integration
- Long press to view alt text
- Overview Mode
- Open Reddit Thread
- Search for title, transcript or number
- Share comic url or image
- Support for large images (e.g comic 657)
- Option to display alt text by default
What If?:
- Full support for footnotes, formulas and alt text
- Offline mode and notifications
- Mark articles as read and hide them
- Swipe between articles (disabled by default)
- Quick search for article titles
- Random articles
- Custom themes
- Material design elements like Snackbars, Floating Action Button, tinted Status Bar, animations....
- (Auto) Night mode (with option to invert comic colors)
In-App Purchases are just used for donations, the app is completely free!
Easy xkcd is Open Source! https://github.com/tom-anders/Easy_xkcd