Dump Trump for WhatsApp APP
After importing Dump Trump for WhatsApp into WhatsApp, you can use Donald Trump Stickers to express your feelings in any imaginable way. For example:
• Pointing left – It wasn't your fault - the person next to you did something wrong. So you just point at them.
• Pointing right – This time, another person's fault... well, you get it.
• Touché – You have made a good point - you tell yourself: Touché.
• Angry, Sad, Smiling, Laughing, Thumbs Up or Annoyed – We have every sticker you will ever need.
This sticker pack is HUUUUGE. Get it and MAKE WHATSAPP GREAT AGAIN.
Disclaimer: This application is not in any way associated with Donald Trump or any organisation affiliated with him. This application does not occupy a political position nor does it make explicit political statements. Feel free to delete this app if you feel offended using it.