CityUHK Mobile APP
Major features include:
- Follow what's happening at City University of Hong Kong
- Check out the latest events from CityUHK Announcement Portal (CAP)
Staff Directory
- Search for academic and administrative staff's contact information
Academic Calendar, Class and Exam Schedule
- Download key dates, your class and exam schedule for offline viewing
- Look for food inside and around the campus with opening hours, phone numbers and suggested routes
- Look for directions to buildings, offices, lecture theatres, facilities, venues, etc
- Enjoy a virtual tour with CityUHK Tour
Room Availability
- Look for classrooms, study rooms functional rooms available for booking
- Search in Library Catalogue for books and electronic resources
- Bookmark resources to track availability
Emergency Contact
- 1-tap dial to ask for help in case of any emergencies
More features will be released in the future, feedbacks and feature suggestions are welcome at