Are you a pro or just a beginner? Do you want to establish a convention card with your partner or just have your bid's meanings near you during training? Bridge CC serves all your needs! This app makes bidding easy for beginners, lets you create, manage and share a collection of your favorite convention cards with fellow players. You can create or adjust your bidding system even while on the move, on your phone. Share data with your partner instantly. Bridge CC makes it easy and comfortable to correct or fill gaps in your convention card, starting from simple to even most sophisticated ones.
App in development, expect frequent updates!
Upcoming features:
-Add defensive bidding
-Add lead arrangements
-Add current bidding state
-Saving cards to PDF / BSS (used by BBO)
-Improve functionality and look of the interface
-Improved Import/Export
-Online card synchronization and backup
-Comparing two cards to find differences