Bible - Online bible college part70 APP
The most complete Bible app on mobile. Powerful Free Bible study tools linked to every verse in an easy-to-use.
Comes with the full World English Bible,The Holy Bible or Bible app is the number one book in the world for your mobile phone.
Here are 4 ways you’ll be set-up for studying God’s Word:
1) NO Account NO WIFI
- Works offline -- no network connection is necessary for reading and studying
- That’s right, you don’t need a WiFi connection to access your Bible, or any other Bible study tools.
- Read the Bible with the variable speed auto-scroll feature
- Read the entire Bible
- No annoying or obtrusive advertisements.
- Great navigation options
- Summarized timeline
- Summarized datalist
- Easily compare the data of books
- Fantastic study tools:
Great navigation
- Quick-reference chapter and section headers
- Full-text search by Old Testament, New Testament or current book allows users to quickly find words and study topics
- Search words inside the Bible
- Highlight words in search mode.
- High speed search let you find keywords in a sec.
- Night reading mode
The author of Holy Bible Study is a individual developer. and begining to develop App from almost after 40old, I hope this App which was built based on my career experience in manufacturing, I integrate it into app to make app more organized and convenient. Making products to give readers a better experience and additional surprises.