In this course we will help you download, install and run Android Studio.

Latest Version

Oct 24, 2020

App APKs

Android desde cero APP

If you are passionate about programming or want to expand your knowledge for an improvement in the economy of your business by developing applications for mobile telephony, this is your course!

In this course we will help you download, install and run the official Google platform for IDE Android Studio application development, in a very easy and simple way, you will understand step by step not only its operation, but also We will teach how to create different projects that you are going to be able to develop and execute in your emulator or your own telephone terminal.

This is the first installment of a series of three, which will be formed by Android from scratch, Intermediate Android and Advanced Android, in the latter also deepening in Kotlin.

All projects and for a better understanding you can download them from the folder that we are going to name course materials.

What will you learn?
• Introduction to Android
• Previous steps before installing the platform
• Download Android Studio
• Install Android Studio
• Install APIS / SDK
• Install Tools
• Work environment
• Create a Hello World project
• How to use the different resources of Android Studio

Are there requirements to take this course?
• Basic PC knowledge.
• Basic knowledge of JAVA (not essential).
• If you have a Windows 7/8/10 PC, and you must have a minimum of 4Gb. of RAM (advisable 8Gb).
• If you have a Mac PC 10.8.5 or higher, and you must have a minimum of 4Gb. of RAM (advisable 8Gb).
• In both cases with an architecture of (32/64 bits).
• In both cases a screen with a minimum resolution of (1,280 pixels X 800 pixels).
• Recommended an INTEL Core i5 processor or higher (not essential).

Who is this course for?
• Experienced Android developers.
• Developers Apps without experience.
• Entrepreneurs wanting to launch their Application.
• Programmers who wish to work with Android.
• Graphic designers
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