abiapp.net APP
Everyone from the stage can log on https://abiapp.net and contributing to the content. One of you is the administrator and can decide who can edit what or who can not see what.
Whether leave a comment, fill characteristics or collect howlers whether rankings and conduct surveys or upload photos: abiapp.net can do everything that you need at a Abizeitung so - and the list is growing.
You have many options available that will help you abiapp.net to just turn the can, what you want to have. We make you no regulations on how you build your Abizeitung!
This app simplifies mobile access. It offers all the functions of the web interface, combined with a touchscreen-friendly navigation and a permanent login.
Besides, it is data-and battery-efficient than the web interface.
For more information about abiapp.net and the application of new stages under https://abiapp.net
Any questions?
Contactable us! We'll be happy to answer your questions personally!
E-mail: hallo@abiapp.net
Phone: 0201 85794216
Our Blog: https://blog.abiapp.net
App Icon uses an icon of http://icon8.com